(multiple OFFERS!)
36 York Drive, Piedmont
Listed for $1,850,000
4 Bedrooms, 2.5 baTHrooms
What do I love about hosting Sunday Open Houses? The stories that come out of the woodwork, and the people I meet. In this updated, traditional Piedmont home, I met some of the neighbors (because neighbors always come to open houses, some shyly sneaking in the side door, some wondering if it's okay even though they're not in the market to buy, and some who want you to know who they are, because they want 'good neighbors' when it comes time for offers). Here, I met the man who had grown up in this house, and told me about the trestles that used to exist for the train that he hopped for work, nearby. Then he called his sister, who lived a few blocks away, and had her drop by to see 'the old house'. And a neighbor who had grown up with them stopped by, while they were there, and reminisced more and warmly told me stories of the house and neighborhood. When the buyers finally made it to the house that afternoon, they asked me, "can you tell us anything about the house?" I gazed around the room and happily sighed; yes, I certainly could.